Identity in God


In order for us to thrive in the most challenging times our identity must be rooted in something stronger than ourselves.  How many times have you told yourself “I’ll never do that again!”, to then find yourself weeks later doing that exact thing?

It’s hard to depend on ourselves, or our expectations for ourselves to get us through challenging times.  We must find something that we can lean on for strength, for direction, and for purpose. God is dependable when you can’t depend on yourself. God believes in us when we are too tired to believe in ourselves.  He places tremendous value on our lives. When we live life out of the understanding that He made us on purpose, our days can be filled with strength even in tough circumstances. Psalm 139 beautifully illustrates this purposeful, miraculous creation.

Finding our identity and worth in God is believing what God says about us.  It is no longer believing the negatives we tell ourselves, but believing that we have purpose, and are as amazing as God knows we are.