God's Math - Miracles of Multiplication

I’ve never really loved math much. Anyone who really knows me will tell you I’m a words kind of girl- too many words usually, especially when it comes to writing! Ask The Oaks’ Director of Finance. It’s a good thing I love her so much or I would skip out on our meetings in a heartbeat!

But God’s math- that’s a math class I’ll sign up for any day.

The story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 is one that I’ve always loved picturing- like a movie scene playing across my mind. Five loaves of bread and two fish, that’s what they had- a young child’s lunch- offered from precious open hands to be used by the God of the universe. 

And then the math starts- Jesus is an expert at multiplication. 

Before their eyes, over 5,000 are fed- not just a snack, but a whole meal- until they were full. And guess what? There were leftovers.

We watch it happen all over the Bible- God multiplying until there is abundantly more than enough.

It has been our blessing to watch Him do it time and time again at The Oaks.

Multiplying time.

Multiplying hands and feet to serve.

Multiplying property.

Multiplying supplies- even toilet paper!

Multiplying money beyond anything that makes sense on paper.

And most importantly, multiplying lives restored- so that they can be used by Him- the incredible opportunity to be used as a partner by the God of all creation- to restore others.

Sign me up for that math.

Written by:
Alicia Brown
Director, The Oaks Therapeutic Community, Inc.

Alicia Brown