Holding Patterns

I often hear people say, “Why are periods of waiting so difficult?  Why do we feel like God has abandoned us in seasons of waiting?”  When God has us in a holding pattern, we know there is a reason for this season of waiting. These seasons can make us feel forgotten asking God, “do you see me?” Holding patterns teach us so much in life and so much about ourselves. We have a choice of how to walk each moment of the waiting period. Holding patterns teach us patience and to wholeheartedly rely on God and what He has for us.


I see the airport and the airplanes waiting on the runway to take off. I see the airplanes trying to come into the runway and the air traffic controllers are in charge. No matter what time the arrival or departure time is, the planes can’t do anything until they get the go-ahead. It’s critical they follow the lead and the direction of people who can see the bigger picture. If not, there will be disasters all the way around.  Airplanes will crash into each other, passengers will be at risk, and destinations will not be reached.  


In life, we can be in holding patterns that we don’t understand. But holding patterns can be a season of preparation for us because the runway or path isn’t clear. God allows us to wait in the holding pattern so that He can continue His work and clear the path for His plan. God is the air traffic controller of our lives. He sees us; our wants, desires, and passions, and knows the depths of who we are because he so intricately created us.  We just have to release the control and wait on Him.  Psalm 62:5-6 says, “Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken.”


Holding patterns can also be protection for us so that we don’t jump ahead of what God has for us. I have experiences in life where I have been so confused why God allowed something to happen and in the present time, I felt it was so hard and hurtful. But in essence, God was protecting me from what I thought was right. The world’s rejection can be His protection.  His will is perfect. We have to look at life through the lens of Jesus. He sees the end from the beginning so He knows the direction our lives will go.  We have to choose to see Him in ALL things. No matter big or small, His hand is present. 


Holding patterns and seasons of waiting are not to hurt us.  God places them in our lives to strengthen us for the next thing God has called us to do.  The season of waiting aids us in seeing Him more clearly. James 1:2-4 (NLT) states, “Dear brother and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow, for when your endurance is fully developed,   you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”  


God’s sovereignty is so great. In the holding pattern, sit back, relax, and know it won’t last forever. He has orchestrated this season of waiting for us to trust Him even more. It’s so sweet to know that the God of the universe cares enough about me, to be with me even in the holding patterns of life.  Embrace this place in your life as it is a season to walk through to strengthen you and to see God shine even brighter.

Written by:

Lisa Hathaway

Lead Wellness Consultant, Masters-level counseling student

The Oaks Therapeutic Community, Inc.

Alicia Brown