Underdog Story

I don’t know about you, but I have always loved an underdog story. Recently my husband and I saw the movie Greater, about Brandon Bulsworth.  It is a true story about an underdog that others underestimated.  Brandon Bulsworth ended up not only being an amazing football player, but also someone who “walked the walk”.  I  love these stories because of what God does with “ordinary” people.  They end up doing extraordinary things because of God and their own humility.  God is an amazing author in the stories He writes- all He asks for is a willing and obedient heart.  

I can identify with being that  “ordinary” person.  It is easy for me to feel like I don’t really have any extraordinary gifts that separate me from the next person. When I was younger, I questioned a lot about my own worth and value. To be honest, those negative thoughts did not begin to subside until recently.  I had this mindset of always needing to “prove” myself- some call it the “performance trap.”   Regardless of what the self-defeating belief is, the problem was that I was so inwardly focused that I lost focus of Who God is and what He was calling me to do.  It was never about what I could do, but what He would do through me.   Scripture has so many examples of ordinary men, women, and children doing extraordinary things.  In our next mini-series, we are going to look at individuals who were seen as “ordinary” and maybe even, according to some standards, had too many strikes against them.   These stories show us Who God is and what He does, and how these individuals had such a willing heart to do what He called them to do.  Follow us on social media to watch the video series when it launches!

Article written by:

Michelle Gallimore, LCMHC

Clinical Director, The Oaks Therapeutic Community, Inc.

Alicia Brown